Have you ever been disappointed, felt, dejected, crashed and broken? Broken relationship, the loss of a dear one, failure in business, career, dreams and academic pursuit can leave someone devastated.

Luke 24:13-35 recounts a beautiful encounter between Jesus and two disciples on the road to Emmaus following his crucifixion. Dejected and confused by the recent events, the disciples walk away from Jerusalem, their hearts heavy with disappointment.

Disappointment and Doubt

The disciples on the road represent all of us who have ever felt the sting of disappointment. They had placed their hope in Jesus, believing him to be the Messiah who would overthrow Roman rule and establish God’s kingdom on earth. Yet, he was crucified, leaving them feeling lost and unsure.

Their conversation with the disguised Jesus reveals their internal struggle. They recount the events with sadness, failing to recognize the bigger picture.

The Power of Scripture

Jesus, in his disguised form, patiently walks alongside them. He listens to their woes and then gently opens their eyes to the Scriptures. He explains how the Messiah’s suffering and death were prophesied, a part of God’s redemptive plan.

This encounter highlights the power of Scripture. When our hearts are filled with doubt, God’s word can illuminate the path forward. By revisiting the promises of God, the disciples begin to see a glimmer of hope.

Recognition at the Breaking of Bread

As they near Emmaus, Jesus pretends to continue on, but the disciples urge him to stay. During the evening meal, Jesus takes bread, blesses it, breaks it, and gives it to them. In this act of breaking bread, their eyes are opened, and they recognize him.

The breaking of bread is symbolic of the Eucharist or communion, a cornerstone of Christian worship. It represents Jesus’ sacrifice and his enduring presence with his followers.

Finding Joy and Sharing the Good News

The realization fills the disciples with joy. They no longer walk with heavy hearts but return to Jerusalem with renewed faith. They share their encounter with the other disciples, spreading the news of the resurrected Christ.


The road to Emmaus reminds us that even in the midst of disappointment, God is present. He walks beside us, listens to our doubts, and opens our hearts to understand his plan. By studying Scripture and participating in acts of worship, we can find the hope and strength to carry on.

Questions to Ponder

What disappointments have caused you to doubt your faith?
How can studying Scripture help you navigate difficult times?
What are some ways you can share your faith and hope with others?
May the message of the road to Emmaus bring you comfort and joy as you walk your own faith journey.


  1. Mrs Dorothy Eboh

    This is so reassuring and encouraging.

    Such a great initiative rooted in the Word of God that will no doubt encourage and strengthen Christians in the Faith.

    Thank you so much Fr JohnBosco!

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