WAKE JESUS UP—Fr. Johnbosco Obika

Mark 4:35-41

Sometimes in life the wind howls, the waves crash, and water fills the boat. Fear pierces through us and we find ourselves asking “Jesus, don’t you care if we drown?” (Mark 4:38). This is the desperate cry of the disciples in the midst of a fierce storm, a scene mirroring the tempests we all face in life.

But look closer. Jesus, unfazed by the chaos, sleeps peacefully. Is he indifferent? No. Is he really sleeping? No. “Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” (Psalm 121:4) His slumber symbolizes unwavering faith, unperturbedby the storm not by the crisis of the disciples. He trusts in a power greater than the storm, a power that resides within him and is available to us as well.

Remember how to wake Jesus: Prayer, Worship and Praise. Ironically, our frantic pleas to “wake Jesus up” are often a call to awaken ourselves. When I pray, praise or worship, I see myself realizing hiw big God is and how little the stirm. Though we often forget the presence of God amidst the storm’s of life, prayer, praise and worship remind us again that God’s presence is constant, we see a steady hand guiding us through the roughest waters.

So, the next time you find yourself in a storm, remember, Jesus isn’t asleep. He’s waiting for you to turn to him, to awaken your own faith. Take a deep breath, speak a prayer, and trust in the One who calms the storms within and without.

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When the Waves Crash: Finding Peace in the Storm
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Have you ever felt like the winds of life are howling, the waves crashing down, and fear threatens to fill your boat? Perhaps you’ve even cried out, like the disciples on the storm-tossed sea, “Lord, do you not care if we perish?” (Mark 4:38)

In that moment, the Gospel tells us, Jesus was asleep. Does this mean He was indifferent to their plight? Absolutely not! As the Psalmist reminds us, “He who keeps Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.” (Psalm 121:4)

Jesus’ seeming slumber symbolizes something deeper. It represents His unwavering faith, unshaken by the storm or the disciples’ panic. He trusts in a power far greater than the tempest, a power that resides within Him and within us all.

So how do we “wake Jesus up” when we face our own storms? The answer lies not in frantic pleas, but in turning inwards – in prayer, worship, and praise.

Through these acts of devotion, we awaken ourselves to the presence of God. Though the storm may rage, prayer, worship, and praise remind us that God is with us always, guiding our vessel through the roughest waters with a steady hand.

Therefore, the next time you find yourself engulfed by life’s storms, remember: Jesus isn’t asleep. He is waiting for you to turn to Him, to rekindle your own faith. Take a deep breath, offer a prayer, and place your trust in the One who calms the storms within and without.

May He grant you peace in the midst of every trial.

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