GRACE MEETS STIGMA | Good News Devotional | June 28, 2024

No one who truly encounters the Lord remains the same. This truth is established in today’s gospel that speaks of Jesus’ touch that heals the leper, grace that heals every stigma. This wasn’t just a physical touch; it was a shattering of societal norms. Leprosy, a symbol of both physical and spiritual uncleanness, demanded isolation. Yet, Jesus, disregarding these boundaries, reaches out. This simple touch speaks volumes about God’s character. He doesn’t shy away from our brokenness, our deepest wounds. He sees us, acknowledges our suffering, and offers restoration.

The leper’s faith is also a powerful message. His words, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean,” resonate with humility and trust. He acknowledges Jesus’ authority but leaves the decision in His hands. This posture of faith is an invitation for us too. We can come before God with our burdens, trusting in His power to heal, knowing His will is always good.

Jesus’ touch is a call for us to reflect this radical love in our own lives. Can we reach out to those ostracized by society? Can we offer a touch of compassion, a listening ear, to those hurting? May we be transformed by Jesus’ radical touch, becoming instruments of healing and love in the world.

5 thoughts on “GRACE MEETS STIGMA | Good News Devotional | June 28, 2024”

  1. My only point is to say that this reflection is very apt and rich. Keep up the nice work. May God bless you.
    Thank you.

  2. My only point is to say that this reflection is very apt and rich. Keep up the nice work. May God bless you.
    Thank you.

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