DELAYED BUT NOT DENIED—Fr. Johnbosco Obika |13th Sunday, Year B.

Mk 5:21-43

Have you experienced a situation where God seemed to delay his response? Delay can be frustrating, it gives impression that our prayers seem unanswered while God addresses seemingly unrelated matters.The story of healing of Jairus’ daughter and the hemorrhage woman in today’s gospel offers a powerful message about faith in the face of delay.

The woman’s twelve years of suffering and Jairus’ desperate plea for his daughter’s immediate healing remind us that God’s timing may not always align with our own. We might yearn for instant answers, but God’s plans often unfold in ways we don’t anticipate.

In delays faith is tested, but faith overcomes delays. Both the woman and Jairus demonstrate unwavering faith in spite of obvious delays. God’s miracles can take many shapes, and they are not limited to our expectations. Though our prayers may seem delayed, God’s promises are not denied. Shalom!

—Fr. Johnbosco Obika

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