Have you ever experienced betrayal? How did you deal with the pain? The Last Supper table, a place of fellowship and shared purpose, becomes a stage for a profound betrayal. Jesus’ announcement of a traitor among his disciples throws a dark cloud over the gathering. This passage isn’t just telling us about a historical event; it plunges us into the raw pain of betrayal, a wound that resonates across time.

The betrayal cuts deep because it comes from within the inner circle. Judas, not just a stranger but a trusted companion, is the one who will hand Jesus over. This highlights the particular sting of betrayal by someone close. We open ourselves up, share our vulnerabilities, and expect loyalty from those closest to us. When that trust is shattered, the pain is unbelievable and unbearable.

We’ve all likely felt the hurt of a broken promise, a broken confidence, or a friend turning their back on us. This passage allows us to acknowledge and offer up the pain to the Father who alone understands its depths.

Heavenly Father, save us from false friends and true enemies. Mend hearts broken by betrayal and heal the scars they bear. Amen.

|Fr. Johnbosco Obika is the spiritual director of Good News Apostolate.

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