Sharing the Light: How to Spread Easter Joy All Year Round

I just remembered what happened during the Easter Vigil. Every light was turned off as we stayed outside to begin the ceremony and there was darkness everywhere. The priest shared the light from the paschal candle and the congregation all lighted their candles from this big light one after the other. Gradually, everywhere was filled with rays from each of the tiny candles. This is the meaning of Easter–sharing the light of Christ.

The Easter season is a time of immense joy, a celebration of Jesus’ resurrection and the promise of eternal life. Our hearts brim with hope, churches overflow with vibrant praise, and the spirit of renewal fills the air. But how do we keep this joy alive beyond the Easter weekend? How can we continue to share the light of Christ with the world throughout the year?

Here are a few ways to turn that Easter glow into a radiant year-round light:

Live a life of love: Easter is a powerful reminder of God’s boundless love for humanity. Let this love overflow in your interactions with others. Practice kindness, offer forgiveness, and show compassion in your everyday life.
Be a beacon of hope: The resurrection story offers a message of hope that transcends even the darkest times. Share this hope with those around you. Offer encouragement, lend a listening ear, and be a source of positivity for those facing challenges.

Spread the word: Sharing the message of Christ doesn’t require grand pronouncements. Simple acts of kindness and living by Christian values can be incredibly impactful. Let your daily life be a testament to your faith, a silent invitation for others to explore the joy you’ve found.

Help others: Jesus spent his life serving others. Find ways to embody this spirit in your own life. Volunteer at a local charity, participate in community service projects, or simply offer a helping hand to those in need. Sharing your time and talents brings joy not only to others, but also deepens your own faith and keeps you happier.

Celebrate with gratitude: The Easter season is a time of abundance – overflowing baskets, joyful gatherings, and a renewed sense of life. Cultivate this spirit of gratitude throughout the year. Savor the simple blessings, appreciate the good in your life, and share your bounty with those less fortunate.

Remember, sharing Easter joy isn’t about grand gestures, but about the small, consistent ways we live out our faith. By embodying love, hope, compassion, and service, we can extend the Easter spirit far beyond the season, making the world a brighter, more joyful place.

How will you share the light of Christ this year? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below.

Fr. Johnbosco Obika is a priest of the Catholic Diocese of Orlu.

3 thoughts on “Sharing the Light: How to Spread Easter Joy All Year Round”

  1. Betty mephors Okereke

    😭 Thank You for answering Your Call of Office in which the community benefits so much. This your write-up touches my Heart to the core. I join in believing that folks may indeed heed your message to activate Easter Light and poll it from nook to crany all year round! Amen 🙏 Just exactly as you said it, “The resurrection story offers a message of hope that transcends even the darkest of times.”

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